In response to my published letter to the N&O, Clifford Marshall of Durham felt compelled to write this response:"I was amused by the Aug. 14 letter "Gasoline is ... Keep Reading
Brian Balfour says “Alternative” means Not Economical
In this letter to the N&O. A sliver:Seems if it were so patently obvious, energy entrepreneurs would be flooding the marketplace with affordable, viable alternative fuels ... Keep Reading
Recycling Scam: Max Borders on Tara Servatius
Max Borders explains why recycling is either waste, theft or both on WBT Charlotte - Tara Servatius.-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Progressives & Climate Change: All Pain, No Gain
Progressives and politicians who support carbon taxes, renewable subsidies and any other climate "mitigation" measures have no plans based in any rational cost/benefit ... Keep Reading
Recycling: Gov’t Helps Companies Steal Labor/Resources
Don't believe the government is stealing from us (as I claim) every time we recycle (and charging us for the benefit)? Check this out: More than anything, it's the commodities ... Keep Reading
Snake Oil Powers Local Man’s Car
In other news.... "N.C. Policy Watch's Rob Schofield got to work today in a car powered by snake oil." (No amount of flatus from the left can amend the laws of supply ... Keep Reading
Energy and the Fatal Conceit
"Reality is not optional..." Check out this podcast on energy.-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
A Petition to the N.C. General Assembly
As necessary, replace "France" with "N.C.", "sun" with "cost-effective energy" or "imported furniture" and so on.) A PETITION ... Keep Reading
SB3: The Whining Ensues
Environmental activists - you know, the ones who pressed for SB3 (the mandated renewables bill of 2007) - are whining because Duke Power is introducing higher fees (rates) due to ... Keep Reading
Drill Here, Drill Now
Drilling is an imperative. Here's energy expert Ben Lieberman on the matter. The President took his advice a couple of days ago. Now it's Congress's turn. (Here are Civitas ... Keep Reading