This commentary was originally published by Paul Stam on January 24 at January 2018 Paul ... Keep Reading
Is This What a Bubble Economy Looks Like?
According to government statistics, the economy has seen 96 months in a row of positive economic growth. Since the depths of the great recession, more than 12 million jobs have ... Keep Reading
More Negative Impacts of Minimum Wage
Seattle has been increasing its minimum wage over these last couple of years, and the results have thus far been predictable (at least by those that understand economics). ... Keep Reading
Why Private Property Is So Beneficial for Society
Socialism vs. Capitalism. State-owned means of production vs. private property rights. Free market exchanges vs. “from each according to his ability, to each according to his ... Keep Reading
Let’s Look at Who Really Benefits from Tax Cuts
The true impact of tax changes cannot be determined merely by looking at the changes in the legal tax liability Tax changes alter people’s behavior Who is impacted by these ... Keep Reading
High Taxes, Welfare State Can Waste ‘Investments’ in Human Capital
NOTE: A similar version of this article appeared in the Charlotte Observer. Human capital is a key component in a society’s ability to lift living standards But proper ... Keep Reading
Bad Bill of the Week: Outlawing Employment
The laws of economics, much like gravity, are not subject to a vote. Nor do they change based upon popular opinion. Unfortunately, the sponsors of HB 1046, Constitutional ... Keep Reading
Human Lab Rats: “Science” Being Used to Defend the Welfare State
Defenders of the broken and destructive welfare state are getting more desperate. Case in point, check out this frightening article in the N&O, entitled "The Science of Lifting ... Keep Reading
How Savings, Not Consumption Spending, Grows the Economy
One way that progressive liberals argue in favor for higher tax rates on upper income earners is the observation that higher income households save a larger share of their income ... Keep Reading
CFO’s Confirm the Obvious: Minimum Wage Hike Will Cost Jobs
This Triangle Business Journal article confirms the obvious: Chief financial officers in the United States say a minimum wage increase to between $10 and $15 per hour would cause ... Keep Reading