I've been mostly against the bailout, but Jerry Bowyer makes an interesting point. If government passes around "regulatory kooties," then government (at our expense, of ... Keep Reading
Bailout Brain Trust
A bunch of my favorite minds on the bailout. (Munger's in there too.)(Update: More sanity on the bailout; plus here, and here (honest uncertainty) and here fed up with inadequate ... Keep Reading
Perdue: A Pump of Bad Ideas
Apparently, Bev Perdue would like to give Hugo Chavez-type powers to the governor during times of 'crisis.' According to Under the Dome, Perdue says: "The governor ... Keep Reading
Running out of Gas
Anti-"gouging" laws are causing filling stations around the state to run out. But nobody mentions that in this article. Now that prices are being set by idiotic ... Keep Reading
The Financial Crisis Distilled
Tony Woodlief nails it: For those of you who lack the advanced financial expertise necessary to decipher news surrounding the current mess, I’ve interviewed an expert to help us ... Keep Reading
Government + Wall Street = Mess
Russell Roberts stands athwart the calls government for regulation and bailouts and yells: look in the mirror, government. Check out this piece and consider this quote: Both ... Keep Reading
Attention: Regulation-happy Readers
Professor Tyler Cowen, in the NY Times, lays out the myth of laissez-faire over the last eight years: "In the meantime, if you hear a call for more regulation, without a ... Keep Reading
Where is the Pencil Czar?
George Will sings the praises of Russ Roberts' new book. ... [M]arkets allow order to emerge without anyone imposing it. The "poetry of the possible" is that things are ... Keep Reading
Raleigh Convention Center: Why Were Tax Dollars Necessary?
This N&O editorial presents a fairly balanced viewpoint on the Raleigh Convention Center's grand opening. The event, however, does inspire a couple of additional questions. ... Keep Reading
Why Drill in N.C.?
Policy analyst and RCC blogger Max Borders answers in this video. ... Keep Reading