Last week, we identified $30 million worth of additions in the FY 2018-19 budget that has been earmarked for special projects – known as pork spending. This is the use of state ... Keep Reading
166 Local, Inappropriate Earmarks Totaling $30 Million Identified in Budget
The state budget for FY 2018-19 contains nearly 170 line items totaling $30 million that are highly inappropriate or outright pork. Appropriations directing funding to local pet ... Keep Reading
The N&O’s Highly Selective Outrage
The N&O yesterday rightly criticized an $830,000 earmark discovered in the state budget, devoted to sewer system upgrades at a golf course in Duplin Co. But its hard to take ... Keep Reading
State Budget Includes Positive Reforms, But Still Has Plenty of Fat to Trim
On net, this year’s final budget deal can be viewed positively by conservatives. Tipping the scales in favor of the spending plan include: a net tax cut of nearly $400 million ... Keep Reading
Bringing home the bacon or stuffing us with pork?
One of the most contentious issues for the new U.S. Congress is earmarks, money set aside by congressmen for particular projects. Now, thanks to data from Taxpayers for Common ... Keep Reading
Hold the Pork
Politicians love to hold ribbon-cutting ceremonies in front of projects financed by government. Congressmen and women smilingly brag about how they are helping their home state ... Keep Reading