House Bill 589, the misnamed Competitive Energy Solutions for NC, is making its way through the North Carolina Senate. As I said previously, “the skids have been greased” for this ... Keep Reading
Duke Energy
Solar Bill (HB589) Lobbyists’ Information Sheet
The table below is from lobbyists working to pass the solar bill, House Bill 589 (Competitive Energy Solutions for NC). They sent this handy little "fact sheet" on the bill to me, ... Keep Reading
2017 Solar Bill: 10 Months, 30 Secret Meetings
Interesting exchange between Civitas President Francis De Luca and leftist solar lobbyist Alex Miller. Why would a solar lobbyist find it necessary to describe secret meetings as ... Keep Reading
More Ominous ObamaCare News
The locomotive's horn is blower louder as the ObamaCare Express roars down on us. The Wall Street Journal says, "Less than two weeks before the launch of insurance marketplaces ... Keep Reading
HB 298, Affordable and Reliable Energy Act: Ending the Waste
I’m really enjoying riding the wild, wacky merry-go-round of North Carolina’s renewable energy mandates. Yesterday, I got my bill from Duke Energy Progress, or whatever it is ... Keep Reading
My Electric Bill: A Big Waste All Around
I opened my electric bill the other day and was forced to ponder the question: why should I help subsidize money-losing alternative energy programs? ... Keep Reading
Obama’s Favorite NC Crony
In his speech last night at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, President Obama emphasized “the basic bargain at the heart of America's story: the promise that hard ... Keep Reading
Duke Energy Scandal May Bog Down NC Dems
Group notes this: "The scandal surrounding Duke Energy in the wake of the abrupt departure of incoming CEO Bill Johnson shows no signs of going away any time soon -- and that ... Keep Reading
The “People’s Convention” no more?
Duke CEO and DNC Convention booster Jim Rogers recently told the Charlotte Observer he expects local banks to help pay for the Convention: Duke Energy's Jim Rogers has been the ... Keep Reading
Another dot to connect in the Duke-Progress merger
In recent days the News & Observer has run two stories (here and here ) about the potential merger of Duke Energy and Progress Energy. If approved the merger would produce a ... Keep Reading