Despite promises that fundraising was on schedule and would not be a problem for the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, the host committee ultimately ended up about ... Keep Reading
Democrats Dealing With A Different Deficit
The Democratic National Convention coming to Charlotte just got hit with a black flag, they are not going to be doing any politicking at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. The Charlotte ... Keep Reading
Parker resigns but stays on as NCDP Chairman
The saga at NC Democratic Party took another strange turn on Saturday. Embattled Chairman David Parker submitted his resignation to the Democratic Party State Executive Committee, ... Keep Reading
The “People’s Convention” up for sale
It appears the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte is up for sale. The asking price? One million dollars. Politico has reported that fundraising info is circulating around ... Keep Reading
The “People’s Convention” no more?
Duke CEO and DNC Convention booster Jim Rogers recently told the Charlotte Observer he expects local banks to help pay for the Convention: Duke Energy's Jim Rogers has been the ... Keep Reading
Etheridge gets more than $31 million for his vote
It looks like Bob Etheridge may not only have gotten $31 million for Shaw University in return for his vote for the health care bill - but also a big fat campaign gift from the ... Keep Reading