North Carolina is home to a number of vital industries and many beautiful sights. We have a robust economic climate that attracts outside business and fosters innovation. Sadly, ... Keep Reading
Long past time for ‘North Carolina governed by chaos’ narrative to die
State Rep. Deb Butler’s epic September 11 outburst on the floor of the General Assembly is a reminder— to some at least—that North Carolina is governed in a perpetual state of ... Keep Reading
23 trillion reasons to question any loyalty to either political party
Here is the federal debt clock. Twenty-two trillion-plus and rising is the current federal debt. Government spending is in the news again because of a recent agreement reached by ... Keep Reading
Why the federal debt matters in the Medicaid expansion debate
The recent death of Ross Perot should remind us of his commitment to addressing the national debt. While he had a somewhat zany and unconventional campaign, Perot made the federal ... Keep Reading
An interview with conservative leaders at CPAC 2019; pt. 2
This second round of Civitalk-CPAC Interviews includes the Nikki Neily, president of Speech First. Neily delves into the problem of censorship on college campuses. The final ... Keep Reading
Our Nation of Debtors and the Student Loan Crisis
Conservatives really need to get serious about thrift in all aspects of life and public policy. PJ Media is reporting that the level of student loan debt nationwide is at $1.5 ... Keep Reading
Rep. Mark Walker Sounds Alarm on Federal Debt Crisis
No issue better epitomizes our broken federal government than the debt. And like Democrats, Republicans have failed miserably to control federal spending. U.S. Rep. Mark Walker ... Keep Reading
Mark Meadows says Washington Swamp ‘Obviously Deeper’
Appearing on CBS Face the Nation Sunday, North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows addressed the new federal budget deal in Washington saying the swamp "is obviously deeper." When ... Keep Reading
We’re Debt Free!
At least of unemployment insurance debt owed the federal government. In a press release sent out just moments ago, Department of Commerce Assistant Secretary of Employment ... Keep Reading
Massive Unemployment Insurance Debt Awaits New Guv, Legislature
The state's Revenue Laws Study Committee met again this morning, primarily to discuss the state's unemployment insurance debt to the federal government. As most of you already ... Keep Reading