Raleigh, N.C. – North Carolina voter support of the death penalty for violent offenders remains high, according to a new poll released today by the Civitas Institute. Seventy ... Keep Reading
death penalty
The policy watch folks really need to get a life…
The folks over on the left hate our polls, except when they like them. The question that has them in a tizzy is the "slanted" wording in the following question: "Do you favor or ... Keep Reading
Death Penalty in NC
The latest entry in Civitas' 20 for 2010 is up. It deals with the Death Penalty in North Carolina. Most North Carolina citizens do not realize that NC has had a moratorium on ... Keep Reading
Funding Who Bites Us Back
According to the Capital Trail Motions Index posted online by the North Carolina Court System, defendants seeking to make a motion under the new Racial Justice Act should consult ... Keep Reading
Why a Life Sentence does not Mean Life in Prison
People opposed to the death penalty always like to say that sentencing someone to life in prison is worse than the death penalty therefore it is a more appropriate sentence for ... Keep Reading
Getting Greed Out of Government
This article originally appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer. Greed. It's a dirty word (a deadly sin, even). Some think only government can protect us from ourselves. But ... Keep Reading