North and South Carolina to merge. -Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Current Affairs
Whither CLC ’08?
Francis DeLuca explains (video). ... Keep Reading
It’s a Good Day
How sweet it is.-Max Borders(Update from a big Heels + Marvin Gaye fan... Check it out.) ... Keep Reading
Who Said It?
On the situation in Iraq: "As for the question of whether the surge is working, I can only state what I witnessed: U.N. staff and those of non-governmental organizations seem ... Keep Reading
Ugly Christmas Tree?
Seeing as Christmas is just days away I thought I would write about a favorite complaint of my friend, Dallas Woodhouse, State Director of AFPNC. Every time he walks by the state ... Keep Reading
Serious Debate
Holiday/Christmas music should be played when...? Weigh in. ... Keep Reading
Water Shortage: OK ideas, Stupid ideas
This WUNC report features one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard for conserving water. Some lady wants to use "gray water" (water that has been used for showers or ... Keep Reading
Uh Oh: Beauchamp Writing about the Jena 6 too?
A reporter from Jena attempts to set the record straight on what appears to have been a little bit of Chinese Whispers, a little bit of selection bias, and a little bit of that ... Keep Reading
He’ll Be Missed
Demuth leaves AEI...Not with a whimper, but a bang. ... Keep Reading
Water Bans and a Drought of Prices
Sigh. Why are we stuck with rationing and other ridiculous, restrictive solutions to something as basic as water? Because government planners are afraid to use prices. Normal ... Keep Reading