News reports now confirm what many suspected: legislation approved and signed by Gov. Cooper last week entitled "Championship NC Act" (HB 807) will dole out millions of taxpayer ... Keep Reading
corporate welfare
Top 10 takeaways from Cooper’s spending proposal
This week Gov. Roy Cooper released his budget recommendations for the current fiscal year that started July 1. Because the state hasn’t passed an actual budget bill since FY ... Keep Reading
Cooper, who’s totally against corporate tax giveaways, promises nearly $400 M in giveaways to major corporation
Its been well documented here at Civitas the hypocrisy of Gov. Cooper when it comes to 'corporate tax giveaways'. Just a few days ago Donald Bryson reminded us of several cases ... Keep Reading
Roy Cooper’s hypocrisy on corporate tax giveaways
Roy Cooper, the candidate, boldly declared: “Corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the wealthiest come at a high cost for middle-class families.” Indeed, railing against ... Keep Reading
How Gov. Cooper can put an end to cronyism – if he wants to
For a guy claiming to be against “tax giveaways” to corporations, Gov. Roy Cooper sure seems to be fond of doling out taxpayer dollars to corporations. Indeed, in his remarks ... Keep Reading
More than a third of corporate welfare deals don’t generate a single new job
From WRAL comes this unsurprising report: More than a third of the incentive projects announced under North Carolina's largest economic development programs in the last decade ... Keep Reading
Is Cooper choosing corporate handouts and tax breaks over NC teachers?
Roy Cooper once again is displaying his blatant hypocrisy on corporate taxes. In a meeting with business leaders this week, he said “When business has a choice between further cuts ... Keep Reading
Why corporate welfare is not only unfair, but bad for the economy
It’s easy to see the new projects rewarded by government handouts But what about the “unseen,” i.e. the foregone opportunities society is deprived of? When politics, and not ... Keep Reading
Cree ditches Triangle for sweeter crony deal from NY: What we should learn
When you play the crony corporate welfare game, don't be surprised when companies spurn you for sweeter deals elsewhere. The Triangle just lost out on a sizable chunk of Cree’s $1 ... Keep Reading
Cooper’s Hypocrisy on Corporate Taxes, Example #7,392
In a news release reported by The Insider today, Gov. Roy Cooper took another swipe at the General Assembly's budget proposal that he vetoed. "We desperately need more good ... Keep Reading