In the "from the editor" section of April's newspaper, I wrote a little bit about the voluntary nature of charity compared to authoritarian tendencies from some leaders. There is a ... Keep Reading
civil society
Loving your neighbor and bracing for economic impact during the Coronavirus crisis
Based on the course this virus has run in other countries, it appears that the United States is still in the earlier stages of the spread of Coronavirus. In an effort to mitigate ... Keep Reading
Coronavirus, our economy, and the American spirit
There was a defining moment that kicked off all the Coronavirus cancelation announcements that showed the indelible spirit of America. I'm speaking of when the NBA made the ... Keep Reading
Newspaper: Races Appear to be Tightening for Final Stretch
According to the Civitas Poll, Republicans gained some momentum for October when compared to the previous month. While the midterm elections are headed into the home stretch, ... Keep Reading
Finding Good News in Hurricane Florence
A simple Google news search of Hurricane Florence produces some very depressing news. Just one example that made national headlines was the good samaritan and woman who was ... Keep Reading
Loneliness, Lessons from Alfie Evans, and Effective Foreign Policy
The Weekend Muse A lonely nation: Restoring true community in an age of individualism by Joseph Sunde Thanks to the Digital Revolution we have unparalleled access and ... Keep Reading
Civil, Charitable Communities Get Crowded Out by Big Nanny State
Rebuilding a healthy civil society requires a renewed commitment to civic virtue. Civic virtue is oftentimes thwarted by big government entitlement spending and crony capitalist ... Keep Reading
When Government Grows, Community Dies
The United States has been witnessing a steady decline in community involvement over the past four decades. The federal government has tried to respond to these needs, and in ... Keep Reading
Civil Society Alive and Well in North Carolina
There’s always a silver lining in any cloud, and this week’s crippling snowstorm was no exception. In the midst of car accidents, paralyzing traffic gridlock, and power outages, ... Keep Reading