As reported in today's N&O, the ACLU has filed a lawsuit challenging the recently-approved "Choose Life" license plate in North Carolina. A federal lawsuit filed Thursday ... Keep Reading
choose life
“Choose Life” Message May Hit the Streets
The House voted Saturday 68-44 to include a “Choose Life” plate among the options for special license plates. If signed into law by Gov. Beverly Perdue, the “Choose Life” plate ... Keep Reading
“Choose Life” Special Plate Moves Forward
The House Finance Committee passed a bill (HB289) which would authorize several new special license plates, including one reading "Choose Life." That's the one, sponsored by ... Keep Reading
“Choose Life” on I-40 West
HB 168/SB 210-“Choose Life” Special Plate is the only pro-life legislation to make it to the 2010 legislative session. Introduced first in 2000, the bill allows North Carolina ... Keep Reading