We often don't think of Calvin Coolidge when we think of the greatest American speeches of all time. If you do, pat yourself on the back for recognizing Coolidge offered up one of ... Keep Reading
calvin coolidge
Why the government must protect the right to private property
“The prime element in the value of any property is the knowledge that its peaceful enjoyment will be publicly defended." —Calvin Coolidge Property rights are an ancient idea but ... Keep Reading
Learning from conservative and not so conservative voices on education
With prolonged school closings due to coronavirus, a lot of parents and families are getting an opportunity to think a little deeper about education. And in most instances, parents ... Keep Reading
Why the tizzy over a potential state tax refund?
Lots of people seem to know how to spend your money better than you do. If you were suddenly a "Powerball" winner, after the government got their 44 percent cut, there is little ... Keep Reading
What is the Purpose of Education?
Political ideologies obviously wrap up education around specific policy reforms or even powerful quests to double down on the status quo. Of course, debate over an important issue ... Keep Reading
How Does a President Put Scandal Behind Him?
At tonight's Conservative Leadership Conference, historian Amity Shlaes told the crowd how a president, new to office, can escape from a cloud of scandal. She was speaking of ... Keep Reading
‘Conservative Heroes’ Illuminates Freedom’s Battles
Conservatives seeking inspiration, guidance, and perhaps a few words of caution can find all that in “Conservative Heroes,” the latest book from Raleigh businessman and author ... Keep Reading
Five Lessons from Coolidge
Our new video clip of an interview with Amity Shlaes highlights why Calvin Coolidge was a successful leader, and conservatives can find encouragement and counsel in it. For the ... Keep Reading
Coolidge Showed Spending Can Be Cut
Do we need a man like … Calvin Coolidge … again? That is a question that has to be taken seriously, thanks to the fine work of bestselling author Amity Shlaes, who was in ... Keep Reading