Democratic Representatives Larry Womble and Earline Parmon introduced HB70 to set up a fund in the State Treasurer's office to compensate people who were sterilized in the state's ... Keep Reading
Another bill to keep the feds at arm’s length
Republican Representative Glen Bradley introduced HB65 that says the federal government has no jurisdiction over food products made and sold within the state's borders. The bill is ... Keep Reading
State Senate Republicans going after the “devil in the details”
GOP Senators Harry Brown and David Rouzer want to take a close look at rules that are written covering laws passed by the General Assembly and those written by state agencies. They ... Keep Reading
State House passed bill to block national healthcare mandate
After a three hour debate the state House of Representatives approved the bill that would require North Carolina to join other states in lawsuit to challenge the Obamacare mandate ... Keep Reading
Creators of Perdue’s “Silly Rule” Don’t Think it’s So Silly
Well, that didn't take long. Just a few weeks ago, Gov. Perdue launched a program aimed at reducing and eliminating unnecessary rules created by state agencies and ... Keep Reading
State to Solicit Feedback on Burdensome Rules
Gov. Perdue yesterday issued an executive order intended to reduce unnecessary rules created by state agencies. Per NC General Statute 150B-2(8a), a "rule" is defined as: "any ... Keep Reading
Perdue to Politicize Plans to “Trim Bureaucracy”
Later today, Gov. Perdue is scheduled to announce her proposals to reduce state government bureaucracy. Per the N&O: Perdue scheduled an announcement at a Chatham County ... Keep Reading
Perdue Flip-Flops on Timing of Budget-Cutting Proposals
Per the Charlotte Business Journal, Gov. Perdue signaled her intent to announce plans next week to reduce bureaucracy in North Carolina state government. N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue told ... Keep Reading
The Civitas Report
NAACP uses busing rally to motivate voter base ... Keep Reading
Highway Patrol Commander resigns
Highway Patrol Commander Randy Glover has submitted his resignation, according to a report on "This morning, I met with Highway Patrol Col. Randy Glover and (Crime ... Keep Reading