Yesterday Gov. Bev Perdue appointed Surf City Mayor A.D. "Zander" Guy to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Commission. Guy has a pretty interesting background, ... Keep Reading
bev perdue
Where’s Bev’s Concern for Working Families Now?
Gov. Perdue scuttled last week's budget agreement over her concern over raising income taxes on "working families and middle class families" yet has openly supported increasing the ... Keep Reading
Perdue Radioactive?
Just how bad is it to be Governor Perdue right now? Check out this case in point: Support for taxing services drops by 24 percentage points when it is presented as a plan by ... Keep Reading
Voters Want Recall Option, 35% Would Recall Perdue
North Carolina law currently provides no mechanism for voters to remove elected officials from office outside of normal elections. According to this month's Civitas poll, 64 ... Keep Reading