The release of two reports in the last week provide some helpful insight into an often-asked question: how are North Carolina public schools performing? Last week the ... Keep Reading
Do Education Savings Accounts lack accountability?
That’s what school choice opponents claim. In a recent article on Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) in the News and Observer, Keith Poston of the Public School Forum said the ... Keep Reading
School Budget Problems? Don’t blame Parental Choice. Part II: Faulty Claims and Diversions
The claim “for profit” charter school management companies pose conflicts for charter schools ignores how intertwined “for profit” companies are with traditional public schools. ... Keep Reading
The Problems with Progressives and Accountability: Part II
Cooper shares progressives’ “top-down” view of accountability. State tests and standards often fail to provide good measures of success. Opportunity Scholarships give parents ... Keep Reading
Something Welfare Recipients Can Be Happy About: Drug Tests and Background Checks
In theory, no one wants to be on welfare. While everyone is keenly aware that life can have some rough patches, no one wants to live in a society where families are dependent on ... Keep Reading
NCSBA Slams Charter Schools
NC's Charter School Law: Creating Two Public Education Systems.; that's the title of a new publication from the North Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA). For those that ... Keep Reading
Politicians Refuse Accountability in Ethics Bill
One can only speculate why the ethics bill signed yesterday by Governor Perdue did not include a provision that would make politicians personally liable for campaign finance ... Keep Reading
Quality proficiency standards lacking in most states.
The development of strong state academic standards were considered a major selling point for No Child Left Behind legislation. They gave states flexibility and also provided a ... Keep Reading