The editorial board at the Capital Broadcasting Company – owners of WRAL – are upset at the thought of hardworking taxpayers being returned some of their own money.
In this editorial, the mere thought that NC citizens should be allowed to keep more of the fruits of their labor is completely appalling to the authors. Greatness can only be achieved when the subjects turn over more of society’s scarce resources to the ruling class, according to them.
It is the hallmark of the legislature’s leadership – a triumph of mediocrity.
This isn’t just about spending more money. It is about meeting our obligations and operating a state government with high standards and accountability.
In a sense, they are right. It isn’t about just spending more money, its about who spends the money: the taxpayers who earned it or the politicians who take it by coercion. The CBC editors sneer at the thought of lowly citizens spending their own money as they see fit.
Meeting the basic needs of the state are well beyond even the surplus. Berger and his allies CHOOSE to short our state’s citizens and the quality services they are entitled to.
In the eyes of the CBC editors, NC citizens are being “shorted” because they will have some of their own money returned to them. Only a mindset that elevates the ruling class as owners of all of society’s resources could come up with such an upside-down notion.
Moreover, if taxpayers are allowed to keep more of their own money, they will be able to acquire more “quality services” of their own choosing, rather than what the political class chooses for them. They complain about “unmet needs” regarding government spending, but don’t think for a second about the unmet needs of taxpayers when they are forced to pay taxes to the state.
This editorial is highly revealing. It demonstrates how elitist the CBC editors are: they are blatantly telling the citizens of North Carolina that if they are allowed to keep more of the money they earned, their decisions for how to best care for themselves, their families and communities will lead to “mediocrity.” Only the wise rulers of the political class should be allowed to make those decisions for us.