has a post about the dramatic drop in the unemployment rate in Alabama since they adopted HB 56, immigration reform legislation, in late August.
Ever since Alabama began implementing its immigration enforcement law, H.B. 56, in late September, the state’s unemployment rate has been dropping like a stone. In just the first month the law was in effect, unemployment in Alabama shrank from 9.8 percent of the workforce to 9.3 percent. And now the latest figures are in…and the news couldn’t be worse (for the Obama administration, the illegal alien lobby, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that is): Alabama’s unemployment rate checked in at 8.1 percent in December. That’s more than a 17 percent reduction since September. (read more)
In the same period of time the NC unemployment rate went from 10.5% in September to 9.9% in December, less than a 6% drop. Here is the seasonally adjusted ata from NC ESC.
If only there was a way to improve the employment situation in NC….
Obama has actually enforced immigration despite the rank and file protests from REPUBLICANS I do not hire illegals but Mitt Romney does… so the point is Republicans just want to dog whistle to their clueless followers- the GOP created the immigration mess and now President Obama is correcting it just like he is trying to fix our economy and job mkt. despite Republicans working against him every step of the way. Conservatives are about lying, and lining their pockets .. nothing else..
Wow, Really? That’s the most bizarre diatribe I have read…possibly ever. Not a shred of truth anywhere in there. But, truth and facts are not levels of thinking the left engages in.