“H.B. 142 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, crafted to keep discrimination intact, but sporting a new look.”
– ACLU of North Carolina
The Ideological Left is so focused on imaginary micro-aggressions and narrow narratives that they are unable to see their own hypocrisy when it comes to the latest HB2/HB142 lawsuit amendment request.
North Carolinians were informed this morning that the ACLU of North Carolina and Lambda Legal’s HB2 lawsuit would now be expanded to include HB 142, which was passed earlier this year by Republican legislators and Democrat governor Roy Cooper.
In today’s press conference, the ACLU made sure to emphasize their keen awareness of our state’s anti-LGBT bathroom discrimination and would not stand for it. What exactly won’t the ACLU stand for? Empirical scientific evidence being employed for determining which state-funded bathroom one ought to use? That is now a legitimate form of discrimination?
Their regular attempts to paint legislators and private citizens that side with biology as bigoted plays well with their groupies, but it does not find a home among those that refuse to be swayed by baseless name-calling and identity politics. Laws should always square with the nature of reality and natural law, striving for objectivity. For legislation to do otherwise only invites pandering to the trendy preferences of the present, rather than long-term liberty and justice for all.
HB 142’s goal was to neutralize the bathroom ordeal that was instigated by the Charlotte City Council’s attempt to create a political storm that put the transgender issue front and center. Per the usual, the Ideological Left fails to trace the history of this entire debacle to this rogue city council decision, preferring to demonize state lawmakers that were forced to respond to the Charlotte council’s overreach.
Instead of the ACLU’s insistence on playing the same tired tune, maybe it’s time we allow private businesses to determine whether or not they’ll provide gender neutral bathrooms and allow tax-payer funds to be used towards issues that are anchored to empirical scientific evidence rather than identity politics.
George Zeller says
“groupies”, “Ideological Left”, = baseless name-calling. Looks like NCCivitas just did some name-calling….
“maybe it’s time we allow private businesses to determine whether or not they’ll provide…” – I think we followed that road from 1864-1965+.
Dirk Lebowski says
Comparing the civil rights movement to the challenge of caring for the mentally ill is not legitimate. Those that believe the are another sex or species than the body the reside in need our help not our collaboration in their delusion
brookemedina says
Thanks for your comment, George!
I would posit that if a descriptor (such as “Ideological Left”) has historical evidence behind it, then it is permissible. Please note that I aimed at making a distinction between Democrats, in general, and the Ideological Left, in particular. They are not necessarily synonymous terms.
Pinto says
Like all other purveyors of the left’s “identity” politics, the ACLU is a child-abusing hate group on a jihad (not a “crusade”) against reality itself. The only moral difference between the Islamic terrorists looking to destroy Western civilization from without and the left-wing commie fascists (like the ACLU) trying to destroy it from within is that the Islamic terrorists don’t pretend to be doing their evil deeds for our benefit.
Scott says
Pinto and Dirk use the same extreme evil poisonous rhetoric that Pat McCrory used. They USE Religion to propagate their political ideas.
The people of North Carolina rejected your insane hatred propagated in the name of Christianity.
Endocrinologists (Medical Doctors) expressed their scientific view to Governor McCrory that Transgender occurs in nature, but Governor Pat, like Pinto think a Bible and a Mirror presents them with science, truth, wisdom.
People who seek to force their Religion on others promote Religious Fascism.
And what is perhaps most appalling of all and is completely overlooked is that HB 142 like HB 2 is anti-Worker, promotes State based discrimination, and steals the Liberty of North Carolinians.