We are reminding teachers they can opt out of the NCAE — and one of the reasons is that a big chunk of their dues goes to political causes members may not agree with.
If you join the NCAE, you join the National Education Association, and pay dues to it. The map on this website will show you by county how much you pay in dues in NC. That includes $183 a year to the NEA.
A new report looks at the organizations that have given the most money to politicians this year. It shows clearly how the NEA has given money to partisan causes. You can see the top organizations here.
The NEA ranks sixth on the list, donating more than $8 million to politicians. That’s more than the AFL-CIO, or Northrop Grumman, or many other big corporations and unions.
Do you want a union deciding that your money should go to partisan causes? Opt out of NCAE, and you can decide yourself what to do with your money.
Got to ncteacherfreedom.com for more information.
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