Well, the alien themselves obviously benefit from coming to this country illegally but who else receives benefit from the violation of US sovereignty?
Illegal immigration is BIG money. Mexico’s 3rd highest source of income behind oil and offshore US manufacturing comes from illegals working in the US. $24 Billion was sent from the US to Mexico in 2007. $24,000,000,000 is a LOT of money.
And, just as carrion rotting on the side of the road will attract vultures for an easy meal, illegal aliens with the collective earning potential of $24 Billion also attract vultures of the human variety.
The business of getting illegals across the border is also very lucrative. The predators that move humans north are known as “coyotes” and are just as dangerous as their four legged namesake. Coyotes charge thousands of dollars to bring someone to the US.
When they don’t get their money, coyotes hold their human cargo hostage until the man’s family or friends can come up with the money. All of this sorted business was brought back into the spotlight this week when a van carrying 16 illegals was stopped by the NC Highway Patrol in Kannapolis after receiving a 911 call alleging that the drivers of the van had kidnapped a man when his family didn’t have enough money to pay his “fee.”
The two “divers” have been charged with human trafficking. Their company, Transportes Amigos has been caught at this before but is somehow still in business and riding up and down US highways.
(Sidebar: Ever wonder why vans are just 15 passenger? More passengers requires a commercial driver’s license (CDL) by the USDOT so there’s another potential charge.)
In addition to the obvious human suffering this story reveals is the much more troubling fact tucked away in the latter part of the article. Illegals in the van weren’t all from Mexico or even Latin America. One was listed as coming from Ethiopia. How hard would it be for a middle eastern terrorist to use a coyote to come to North Carolina? When this happens, will they carry out their attacks on sanctuary cities first?
Fed Up says
I’m disgusted that despite real American’s clear stance of everything to do with the illegal immigration problem, our (D) government just turns it’s back and acts as though it hasn’t seen or heard a thing. God, I can wait for another Republican to make office. I just hope it won’t be too late to save our country and our children’s future.
Fed Up says
Excuse me: *can’t wait
Gary says
The sad fact is that illegals are an exploited class. The construction industry, domestic help (house keeping, landscaping) food service, banking/real estate,and agrobusiness have an interest in keeping immigration laws status quo. There is evidence these industries lobby congress so the illegals can be paid a lower wage, exempted from workers protections, the higher fica scores were used in the housing fraud.(they have no credit history in the US) This leaves the average tax payer to pick up the tab for illegals health care, education, and other public services and the wealthy skate. Congress and the Executive have bent to special interest when we could have a policy which is humane and fair to all concerned.
Eam In says
I might not be a US citizen but i am resist in the US legally and don’t agree with what our government is doing. It’s been heard enough for those who resist legally to find a job while those illegal immirgration find work with little effort. i hope our president change this policy and bring more job for those deserve it not comming to the US braking the law in the near future.
this is amercian speaking. logout.
Samantha says
You can’t choose your ethnicity, or where you’re born. You can’t help your own country’s lack of rights. What would you, an already-American citizen do, if you were in a different position? Chances are you’d do whatever you can to provide for a family and make a living, to live the best you can. And if it involves breaking a law, well, you have to sacrifice, it’s one or the other. Us Americans – there are a million other laws that are being broken at this moment and we choose to pick the most helpless people with no other choice to pick on. Besides, once the illegal immigrants can be made legal, you won’t have to pay their hospital taxes. Economy will get better; there will be people to do the jobs no one wants to.
jimbo says
wy can’t I get the same beninfets they get.
virginia says
Hi my husband father of our 5 children is in jail with immigration on a 15000 dollar bond while ithers also in jail get a less bond even though they have dui’s and domestic violence I hate the countries immigration system.