This story points to the sickening, racist double standard we’ve had to live with since the principles of civil rights movement were abandoned for political correctness — a double standard that threatens to undo all the gains made by real civil rights leaders like MLK.
How have we come to a place where six people who, having given a life-threatening beat-down against one young man, get marches for "justice"? But people of other races victimized by racist attacks are basically ignored? Where’s the outcry? Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Why has this not yet been classified as a hate crime?
Contact the Rainbow Coalition and let them know that hate crimes against any race are still hate crimes. Violent crime is violent crime — and we should not tolerate it by anyone, regardless of their ethnicity. Does their rainbow not include the victims in Baltimore?
-Max Borders
Rev. Sharpton is a little busy with “other” matters right now.