Site Selection magazine recently released its list of top business climate rankings (again NC is #1). Take a look down towards the bottom on the factors executives rank as most important to them when choosing a location.
"Availability of Incentives" is #5.
A well trained workforce, regulations, taxes, and availability of land all rank ahead of incentives.
Imagine the amount of economic activity we could generate if we stopped giving away tax money and incentives and lowered the corporate tax rate for all companies…
Also interesting is the low ranking of transportation/infrastructure (#6) and union activity (#10/last). This seems to stand in contrast to the left’s constant harping on sinking more money into infrastructure to grow the economy and their support for greater unionization.
A major concern about this study is that it appears to overlook the business climate for small businesses. Small businesses comprise the majority of current jobs and new job growth for the nation and NC.
Now that the Global Transpark down in Kinston has failed, the blame game has shifted around to “no roads.”
Of course the issue of “roads” was never mentioned when the GTP was being hyped. But after no one bought into the “build it and they will come” dream, we immediately went on the search for good, solid excuses.
I remember sitting through many Rotary meetingS while the GTP officials were paraded in and out with their stories of the wealth and riches which would shortly befall us all. My most vivid recollection was the State College guru who told us that we would be flying hogs to China. I never could quite understand why hogs would want to travel to China. I am sure it is an exotic vacation spot for spending liesure time. But what is time to a hog?
But seriously! As the years have gone by the GTP officials have become more adept at manufacturing excuses, which by the way is the GTP’S number one product – excuses. Now the hue and cry is “No roads.” And all this time I thought we were building an airport.
The locals are not sure what they do out there all day long. To my knowledge there is no Starbucks out there so how do they pass the time. We see a plane every once in a while but they are mostly Piper Cubs or Hang Gliders. And I think we got a loan from the Escheat Fund? What a revolting thought. You die intestate and the state gives your money to the Transpark. I would rather my lawyer steal the lion’s share and then give my kids a few bucks.
Anyway, the GTP is so solidly entrenched as a government institution that I guess it will go on forever, or at least until we get some “roads.” Funny thing is no one had any problem getting down here for the ribbon cutting. But then again, once we get I-95 and I-40 to intersect at the GTP and find no success, maybe we can dredge the Morehead City port out until the GTP sits harborside.
P.S. We were also going to fly local strawberries to France. But then a local second grade arithmetic class calculated that a 747 Cargo Jet could take the area’s whole strawberry production in two loads.
Go figure?