Good to see Sen. Tony Rand got that little annoyance over the accusations of insider trading cleared up.
Nothing like an independent review of your actions by your business partner, personal accountant, Treasurer for your campaign committee and the person you put in charge of running the Department of Transportation.
The report was commissioned by the company’s Special Investigation Committee, which is headed by Lyndo Tippett, the former secretary of the N.C. Department of Transportation and Rand’s personal accountant.
Asked how the investigation could be considered independent when it was led by people so close to him, Rand said the integrity of Tippett and Terry is beyond question.”They are strong-minded, strong-willed, independent individuals,” Rand said.
The guy who took orders from you on how to run DOT for eight years is an “independent individual”?
If you believe that, you probably believe that OJ is still looking for the “real killer.”
What can we do collectively as citizens to ensure that media outside of Raleigh begin to take this and related Dem corruption stories more seriously?
IMHO, conservative grassroots activists must make it known to editors and producers in their areas that they are thirsty for these stories.
It is up to us to make sure this story grows legs and walks across the state from Manteo to Murphy.