Simply continue to pay people not to work.
So the federal government is going to spend money it doesn’t have to give to people for doing nothing. How exactly does that encourage economic recovery?
“This bill is about jobs because unemployment insurance goes to people who will spend it immediately,” said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. “That would increase economic demand. And that would help support our fragile economic recovery.”
said Pennsylvania Secretary of Labor and Industry Sandi Vito. “Folks need this money for their mortgages, for food, and so our goal is to get them their payments as quickly as possible.”
But rather than attempting to “get them their payments,” how about encouraging recovery so that these folks can find work “as quickly as possible”? There is a trade-off here: more government dependency, or more rapid economic recovery and jobs. In an election year, politicians are all-too happy to make people more dependent upon them.
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