On Tuesday night the Wake County School Board reluctantly approved a $1.2 billion operating budget. The budget included $20 million in cuts. That amount may increase to $40 million, depending on final state and local funding levels.
While the budget includes layoffs, I’m still miffed by many WCPSS officials who say further cuts will have a greater impact on the classroom. At the base of the claim is the assertion that administration has absorbed all the possible cuts it can. I beg to differ. Take a look at the proposed and current Wake County School budget – especially pp. 114-122 in the current budget.
While cutting budgets and eliminating jobs is fun for no one, does anyone disagree that administrative reductions should be made before reductions impacting the classroom? The mission of Wake Schools is to educate students – not provide employment.
I’ve always thought a thorough, annual review of every budget category – from the ground up — could yield important information and savings. Last week, I tested that claim. I looked at an obscure budget category (Membership, Dues and Fees) in the WCPSS budget and found some interesting things. Assuming the same behaviors and trends impact other larger budget categories, it’s not difficult to understand the roots of the current problem and the need for greater oversight.
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