Gene Nichol, a law professor at UNC-Chapel Hill has a long history of economically-illiterate rants on poverty and income inequality, all in an effort to expand the welfare state and state control of certain populations.
But the “law” professor took it a step further in his latest screed in Tuesday’s N&O.
I was shocked that we elected Donald Trump. I’m guessing Philip Alston wasn’t. Any prodigiously wealthy nation that treats its poorest members like we do knows no bottom. If being the cruelest doesn’t give us pause, what will? Perhaps it’s time to dismantle the Statue of Liberty and shred the Declaration of Independence.
Nichol’s arguments supporting welfare state expansion have been so unpersuasive that his frustration at his own intellectual inadequacies has lead him to such extreme proclamations.
Perhaps Nichol’s frustration grew by the fact that his expanded role over the years to “advocate for proposals, policies and services to mitigate poverty in North Carolina” actually correlated with NC’s poverty rates getting worse.
Or maybe his conscience is troubled by his hypocritical stance against private schools, when he himself attended a private high school in Texas.
Even an unhinged, rich hypocrite like Nichol may be experiencing subconscious guilt about denying low-income families the same educational opportunities that he had, which propels him to ever more extremes to squash what little conscience he may have.
Of course, for all his fake concern about income inequality, Nichol makes darn sure to enjoy luxurious trappings of the one-percent off the backs of taxpayers. Last we checked, Nichol and his wife raked in more than $600,000 per year; and Nichol could furiously virtue signal about poverty from his million dollar Chapel Hill home. But don’t worry, when the stress of ginning up class resentment gets too stressful for Nichol, he can escape to his half million dollar beach house on Emerald Isle.
I imagine the proceeds from selling his beach house would help fund a nice homeless shelter or soup kitchen for the poor, but that would mean Nichol actually cared about those in need. Instead, Nichol opts to enrich himself at taxpayer expense while taking the painless path of just paying lip service to reducing poverty.
The only poverty Nichol is concerned about reducing is his own.
Little Conscience
Welfare State lies
NC Civitas has NO morals and will name-call, use derogatory statements, make unfettered personal attacks, slander, dehumanize and lie.
BUT please don’t do that about them!
NC Civitas is a disgusting joke hiding behind the banner of Patriotism and using Jesus as a prop.
The name caller gets so bent out of shape about name calling.Isn’t that special.I hate to think how high that blood pressure is.Nichol is a perfect example of a crony Capitalist.Like Jack( or Scott) he teaches the wonders of Liberalism while he trashes the very system he got rich under.
And how dare anybody question the moral authority of a State-sponsored elitist whose main desire is to enrich himself behind the government fleecing of taxpayers?
Nichol is part of the ruling elite which I want to rule over the rest of the lowly subjects. All dissenters should be thrown in the gulag, and I will gladly drive the trains filled with anyone who dares question our dear leaders to the labor camps.
This article is a disgusting ad hominema attack on a man who is trying to be the conscience of all the people instead of only those who happen to be the Civitas constituency — to wit the rich, the powerful., the influential and the privileged. I would like to see Gene Nichol run for statewide office.
“the Civitas constituency — to wit the rich, the powerful., the influential and the privileged”
What an odd endorsement.
The wealth of Gene Nichols’ conscience, eloquence and energy on behalf of those who have less mitigates for me concerns about his two-homed lifestyle. He places his best thinking, his energy and his life’s work into revealing hard facts about poverty that uncover a dirth of morality and conscience in so many of his also well-heeled critics. May he forever speak and write and work on behalf of those less fortunate. If he does it with his feet up on an oceanside veranda, so what? Gene Nichols is a hero to we who struggle at the bottom of the financial feeding chain. I, too, wish he would run for office.
The part I don’t get is you hear constantly that the rich are all Republicans.I guess Margaret and Martin think 600,000 a year in income and 1.5 million in homes doesn’t make him rich.If this limousine liberal runs for dog catcher I might vote for him.
Conservatives without Consciences = Larry and Brian
Old Jack Scott thinks somebody that believes in ripping babies apart to sell their body parts has a conscience.He calls that women’s healthcare rights.Interesting.
Post the link to that debunked story Larry.
I realize that Civitas is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the NCGOP, but I’m kind of surprised that this article shreds all pretense of them being a “think tank”
Really Civitas, the best you could do to trash Professor Nichol is to get a writer, with no known qualifications, to write a long whining skreed that is befitting a petulant grade schooler?
I guess the change in leadership will now be taking the low road to trash their opposition rather than presenting a valid argument….and for that, the dumbing down of the conservative movement has gone to depths we’ve never seen in NC
Debunked by one of Ostupid’s Judges.Watch the tapes of the planned parenthood killers talking about the cars they wanted to buy with the money for the hearts,lungs,kidneys,they were selling.Talk about no conscience.
You can’t dumb down the liberals or progressives or what ever they call theirselves this week.Its already dumbed down as low as it can go.
More left wing sources from the Libertarian ,Jack Scott.He finds a Republican that’s for an abortion and that’s supposed to change anything.He is as wrong as Jack Scott.You can drag out all the lying left wing posts you want to,I watched the tapes and there is no way those women were not the ones talking about the money they were making selling hearts.Now if you want to believe they weren’t doing that,you be my guest.I am not that stupid.When somebody shows me proof of a Republican doing something wrong like Nixon,I was the first to say he should go.People like Jack Scott will lie to the end of the earth for the biggest crooks on earth as long as they are for his narrative.
NCCivitas has become unhinged.
Well at least it’s not a wink and a nod or cherry picking,George.
One delusional hypocrite. Paid in an elite group way above those he claims to champion. Yet so many of you want to bow before him. Nothing spells crazy better.