July was only the 2nd month since January 2009 that the Democratic Party gained more voters than did the Republican Party. In July, Republicans added 19,060 voters to their rolls, Democrats gained 21,776 voters and the unaffiliated ranks grew by 39,523 voters. The numbers show that the Democratic Party added 2,716 more voters than did the Republican Party.
May 2012 was the only other month where the Democratic Party out grew the Republicans when they added 813 voters to the Republicans 803 and Unaffiliated voters grew by 2,716 in that month.
It is interesting to note that while Democrats added 2,716 voters statewide in July, in Mecklenburg County they out registered Republicans by 4,198 voters. It appears that the voter registration story is in the less urban counties. Democratic rolls increased more than Republicans in only 29 of the state’s 100 counties. You can see it all for yourself when you visit the Civitas Voter Registration Database at Carolina Transparency.
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