New today at is this article outlining three major things you should know about North Carolina’s education budget. A sample from the article:
The education budget has been increasing. First, contrary to the claims of many educators and the media, the education budget is not declining. General state appropriations for public education (i.e. K-12 education, community colleges and UNC System) have actually increased five years in a row. …..
Few NC Lottery dollars finding way to classroom. While the Lottery money has certainly helped the state to cover bills, fund programs and expansions, it’s obvious the money is not getting into the classroom. Those hopes seem all but forgotten. …..
Teacher Retirement and Benefit Costs Increasing. Thirdly and lastly, if we establish that K-12 education funding has increased every year for each of the last five years, and grown $1.5 billion over that time period, where has all the money gone? The short answer to that question is to salaries and retirement. Since 2010, $1.1 billion of the funding increases have been spent on employee salaries and benefits.
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