After reading this post on the tactics and direction of the netroots left in US politics, kindly check out this piece I did some months back.
The crux: The netroots are so busy putting their money and energy into political action, they fail to put it into real social change. Another way of saying this is the Left thinks government is the only way to make social change. But civil society – if utopia-builders keep their mitts out of our pockets – can be created by individuals with different concepts of the good. And may the best ideas win. Can’t we get past the idea that everyone needs saving and there’s only one way to do it? If the netroots left would put that brainpower into social entrepreneurship, the world would be a much better place. (I am always struck by how strident and sanctimonious are those on the left, though unwilling to be entrepreneurial – and uncoercive – about their own rectitude. They are so often just takers… How unoriginal.)
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