There seems to be a trend growing with Democrats and their affinity with public restrooms. Everyone recalls the well publicized story of Former House Speaker Jim Black receiving cash and checks from chiropractors in the bathroom of a Charlotte restaurant.
Now, Democratic lawmakers have introduced two separate bills regulating the types of restrooms that can be built and how they are operated.
Sen. Janet Cowell (D-Wake) has introduced SB 972 the "Restroom Equity Act" which would require that all new buildings constructed contain at least twice as many womens’ restrooms as mens’. (Seriously?) Does this really fall within the domain of government? Or do liberals really think that private companies can’t meet the needs of their clients without the government telling them how to do it?
The second bathroom related bill to be introduce is HB 1850 introduced by Rep. Garland Pierce (D-Scotland). This bill would mandate that all new public restrooms (again, he says public, but means private but open to the public. I’m sensing a theme on this.) be constructed so that the ventilation systems would change the air a minimum of 15 times per hour.
Can someone please explain to me the Democrats’ fascination with restrooms?
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