I went in to get some ordinary medical tests today. The lab required three things: a credit card, a doctor’s order, and … a drivers license.
So, tell me again … why is it some horrendous burden to require a photo ID for voting?
And the paperwork is only going to get worse as Obamacare kicks in. Anyone who wants medical care will have to show ID, if they don’t already.
Everyone needs photo ID in our age. Anyone who does not have one is so far outside the system that he/she is in bad shape.
I can’t understand why liberals hate poor people. Because anyone who is so helpless that he/she does not have a photo ID is someone who really does need help. If the left can find anyone like that, the people of North Carolina must ensure that person gets a photo ID, in order to get food stamps, medical care, and other assistance. And also ensure their valid votes aren’t cancelled out by phony votes.
But liberals don’t want that person to really get help. I’m surprised they’re so heartless.
Photo courtesy stock.xchng.com.
Why do leftards hate the poor? That’s kind of like asking why the New Black Panthers hate white people, why Democrats hate babies, or why Nazis hate Jews.