There are companion bills in the House and Senate that would allow voters to approve a referendum to add a Defense of Marriage Amendment to the state constitution. The amendment would recognize only marriages between men and women. Gay groups opposed to the amendment know the new Republican leadership will put a bill to a vote. The lesbion, gay, bisexual and transgender group Equality North Carolina gathered some clergy at the legislature to take a religious approach to the opposition. But Biship Toniya Rawls said it was also about social justice.
Meanwhile, outside the General Assembly building thousands attended a ReturnAmerica rally in support of the amendment. Senator Jim Forrestor (R-Gaston) has introduced a Defense of Marriage bill for eight straight sessions and the Democratic leaders burried them in committee and were never debated. He told those at the rally the proposal will get a hearing and a vote this session.
Forrestor predicted there would be bipartisan support for his bill but it would be up to the voters to support the amendment at the polls.
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