Governor Perdue is pursuing the idea of asking private companies to run some of the information technology infrastructure to save money. But the State Employees Association of North Carolina (an affiliate of Service Employees Union International) is fighting the idea.
This is from a recent post of the association’s web site:
SEANC is perplexed that Gov. Bev Perdue, who says jobs are her top priority, is looking at privatizing the state’s information technology infrastructure. Privatization will surely lead to job cuts, including the state’s 600 IT employees, and most likely will ship those jobs oversees, where many IT operations are outsourced. SEANC urges the governor to keep North Carolinians working and to rely on the experts already in state government to look for efficiencies and opportunities to streamline resources.
The N&O reported recently the Governor said IT accounted for over $1 billion in expenses last year.
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