In the N&O, the CEO of a crony solar company that has profited not because it created value for consumers but rather due to political privilege lobbied in the backrooms of the General Assembly, discusses threats to the continued success of his business.
But this sunny forecast could quickly cloud over. Two of the most critical policies to North Carolina’s solar growth are in immediate jeopardy, a third faces long-term uncertainty and a fourth is stuck in legislative limbo.
Note that the threats to his business have nothing to do with changing consumer preferences, or competitors in his industry, but the possible expiration of the government privileges he’s exploited for personal gain at the expense of everyone else.
We’re being told that solar and wind are now cost competitive with more traditional energy sources. If that’s true, why would solar CEOs panic at the expiration of political privileges? Solar should be able to compete without government favors if it truly was cost competitive and anywhere near as efficient as traditional energy sources – and surely not need a state government law forcing utilities to buy their product.
This article is crystal clear evidence that the solar industry is a government-created scheme to enrich politically-connected cronies at the expense of ratepayers and taxpayers. As the crony CEO concludes:
government policy has powered the state’s solar growth so far
Will NC legislators keep the solar gravy train flowing?
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