If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you. Don't take my word for it, here are the words of state Senator Tony Rand the Majority Leader of the NC Senate and one of the chief architects of the state budget:
“We’ve thrown money away in the past,” Rand said. “Now, we’re going to make sure we can justify every penny we spend.”
You can read the whole article in the Fayetteville Observer.
If you want to see what to do about the NC budget deficit read the recommendations by Civitas Analyst Brian Balfour. On the right are links to all of his reports.
Don't ever tell me there is no fat or waste in government budgets. This qoute should be etched in stone at the entrance to any building where politicians meet to spend your money!
So NOW it’s time to stop wasting money. Maybe if they hadn’t been wasting money this whole time we would have a suplus.
I guess it is pefectly acceptable to have waste as long as the waste is going into the right pocket.
Will the taxpayers of North Carolina ever wake up? Is anyone out there listening?