On July 22nd Governor McCrory signed legislation to create an eleven member commission to review Math and English Common Core Standards. Those who have worked hard to educate policymakers and the public about the problems with Common Core standards are happy to see this progress and to realize that machinery is now in place to review, revise and replace the standards. I want nothing more than North Carolina to adopt, rigorous, appropriate and understandable standards. That said, we all know the only way that will become a reality is if knowledgeable, qualified people are appointed to serve on the commission tasked with reviewing Common Core Math and English Standards. If you feel likewise, sign our petition and send an important message to House Speaker Tom Tillis, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and Governor Pat McCrory. Tell them we need people on this commission who will respect parents and teachers and will work to preserve North Carolina’s authority to determine what is taught in the public schools.
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