Republican nominee Bill Rabon leads former Democratic House member David Redwine 50-35 in the race to replace long serving (and I mean long! 17 terms in Senate, 4 in House) Sen. RC Soles (D-Columbus).
Rabon is benefiting in the polls from having just spent $140,000 to win the Republican primary over 2008 nominee Bettie Fennell. His net favorability rating is +19 (33 favorable, 14 unfavorable) compared to just a +7 (20 favorable, 13 unfavorable) for Redwine.
But where this advantage is really paying off is with unaffiliated voters. That critical group is currently breaking 51-28 for Rabon, helping propel him to the large lead currently.
This district is rated an R+3 on Civitas’ NCPI and really is a must-win district for Republicans if they have any shot at taking over the NC Senate.
I’m sure the race will tighten as Redwine gets out and about and starts spending some money, but right now, he’s starting off in a fairly big hole.
Full press release and crosstabs here.
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