Quality Counts 2018 , Education Week’s annual report card is out and grades are in for the states and the nation.
Before we briefly review the highlights, a little background. States are given scores in three areas: academic achievement, school finance and opportunity for success. Overall scores are a combination of scores in those three areas. State report cards are published to enhance transparency and with the intent of holding public officials accountable for the quality of public schools.
The nation’s overall score 74.5 is just slightly higher than last year (74.2). The score reflects a solid C grade, a place where the US has been stuck the last several years.
So how did North Carolina fare? The Tar Heel state posted a 70.6 score and an overall grade of C- and a ranking of 41st among the states and District of Columbia. This represents a slight improvement over last year’s overall score of 70.5 and a similar grade of C-, and a ranking of 40th among the states.
Among the three individual categories, North Carolina scores were also lagging. Chance for Success 77.6 (C+); School Finance 65.3 (D) and K-12 Achievement 69 (D+).
North Carolina’s overall score (70.6) was only better than one its neighbors, South Carolina (70.3). However, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee also posted overall grades of C-. Virginia, posted the highest overall grade (C+) of any neighboring state.
There will be endless chirping about what the data and trendlines mean. There isn’t time to go into all that here.
Still, anyone who takes the time to review the data for this year and previous years will quickly note there is no golden age of public education which many enjoy indirectly referencing. Second — and more importantly — despite nearly $10 billion in spending, there is no shortage of areas that need improvement.
No time to go into what data and trendlines mean. Just enough time to make a statement that hints Public Funds should go into Private hands.
Bob’s endless mission to commercialize what should be a civic good continues.
Our money should go where there are the best results.Thats not where it’s going now.We spend way more than other countries and the results are not there.
Gee whiz Larry, WE spend TWICE what every OECD country spends on Health Care and have the highest Infant Mortality Rate (remember you care about ‘babies’), and the worst outcomes in Health.
Are you mentally ill or just ignorant??
The point of commenting is to contribute to the discussion of ideas. Personal criticism of authors and endless baseless ranting against Civitas doesn’t qualify as such. Last warning. Your choice.
I’ll be in touch with your office and we can set up a discussion of ideas. I’ll host the debate / event or you can. All topics on the table.
I will defend everything I have ever said on your site: those things you call ‘baseless ranting.’ You can defend the fact that NC Civitas regularly dehumanizes the poor, name calls and slanders others for partisan ends, pushes a Religious Fascism, and markets for their wealthy masters while posing as Academics.
Name Calling is a specialty of conservatives Bob. The Name Caller In Chief, Donald Trump, celebrated in your circles, is being quoted daily by brutal Dictators around the globe.
Scott,you need to seek help.
Just about every post of Scott’s has name calling in it and he has the nerve to say conservatives are the name callers.Its the same with people like him calling everybody they don’t agree with racists.People that yell racist all the time always turn out to be the racist.See Al Sharpton and Scott.
The only “chirping” (see Urban Dictionary) is the endless, narrow and shallow, claims that unfettered “choice” is a cure all. Until the “right” joins in with an honest conversation of school reform, little will be accomplished.
Wow! On the one sided threat!
Little Conscience
Welfare State lies
Bob’s cohort Brian Balfour’s language posted today in the ‘discussion of ideas’
Yeah Bob, no personal criticisms of authors or baseless ranting from your group.
I believe that’s pretty much the list of what old Scott or Jack has called me but I just consider the source and laugh and laugh.Thats about all you can do with somebody that Pitiful.
Laughing Larry is giddy about name calling when someone disagrees with him, but staunchly supports name calling when it suits his point of view. There is a name for that Larry.
There is a name that for people that lies so much they can’t even tell the truth about who they are.
Scott or Jack says we spend twice as much on healthcare and have worse outcomes.He shows nothing but an article from the Guardian which is one of those I saw Elvis getting on a spaceship rags.I showed several credible articles showing England and Canada’s healthcare is failing big time.Single payer is a Communists program that doesn’t work and never will.
“You have great Healthcare in Australia.” -President Donald Trump to the Australian Prime Minister @ the White House 2017
Hey,Scott Jack,go see how many doctors you can find that think single payer or Ostupidcare is a good idea.I don’t know how many times I have to show you it’s failing everywhere they are doing it.If you want to see how well government healthcare works ask a veteran.
This is what Trump actually said about the Australian healthcare.”Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do –everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great.”Jack Scott thought he could twist the truth like the Gimmedat Party does but I always catch him at it.
Hey LarryBrookeBrian, I posted pnhp.org for you, that is Physicians for National Health Care. You ignored it because you are ignorant. Here is a list just in North Carolina http://www.pnhp.org/states/north-carolina
I never supported the ACA and in fact was vocally against it before you even knew it existed during the Obama Transition in November of 2008.
Still waiting on that ‘replace’ part of Trump’s con game aren’t we?? And how long has the GOP had to ‘replace’ – 8 years now.
Suzy,Scott,Jack,you have to have 60 votes in the Senate to get rid of Ostupidcare.If you had a clue you would know that.Trump has only been in office a year and can’t do everything overnight especially when the Gimmedats are holding up everything because they care more about illegals than citizens.
21,600 doctors, medical students and health professionals support single-payer Larry.
I’m going to leave you alone from here on out. It is clear you have serious mental and / or emotional problems that bar you from the truth. Get some help.