“Tim Tebow is one of the better things to happen to young women in some time” states Sally
Jenkins, a pro-choice woman, of the Washington Post. In the face of resourceful feminists who spent the last two weeks declaring the exact opposite, Jenkin’s article, “Tebow’s Super Bowl ad isn’t intolerant; its critics are,” does the unthinkable: defend Pam Tebow’s right to choose and Timmy’s right to publicly share his mother’s choice.
By now we are all familiar with the details of the “Tebow- CBS- Modern Feminists Are Crazy” debate which captured our attention last week when NOW and the Women’s Media Center mounted a full frontal attack against the yet-to-be-viewed 30-second Super Bowl ad. But as Jenkin’s points out:
“The National Organization for Women Who Only Think Like Us” has revealed something important about themselves: They aren’t actually “pro-choice” so much as they are pro-abortion.
NOW is not only wrong to attack Tebow’s ad but I am offended that NOW has become the de-facto voice for women. NOW is suppose to speak for all women, but it is completely out of touch with what women actually want. Women want freedom to express their life choices. Pam Tebow fully exercised her choice and we should celebrate her story. America is thrilled with the birth of her record-breaking, scripture wearing, gator chompin son and so should groups who allegedly “speak for women”.
NOW should take a cue from the public support for Tebow: other issues warrant more controversy than a 30-second ad celebrating family. Last I checked, women are still starving, female entrepreneurs are being shut down by their nanny-states and barely there bikinis walk around advertising the latest brew. Where were NOW’s resources on these issues this past week?
Jenkin’s correctly asserts that the Super Bowl is not a reality-free escape zone that is untouchable by advocacy ads. Instead, the Super Bowl celebrates the game of football, and what comes along with football? Players. Athletes who were born from mothers who wrestled with pregnancy, disease and an extra 30 pounds to give birth to the next generation’s role models. Since NOW wants to take issue with the best role model our kids have today, I would like to see who they recommend. On second thought, no thank you.
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