Are you looking for economically sensible, pro-market ideas for protecting the environment and conserving resources (natural and industrial)? The new journal – Electronic Journal for Sustainable Development (EJSD) is the publication for you. These scholars definitely understand incentives and institutions – concepts (central to real sustainable development) that so often get lost in the ham-handed, economically challenged green activism that passes for environmentalism today.
Here’s an abstract from one article:
"The conventional approach in thinking about the nature of “sustainable development” is to focus on how to achieve long-run economic growth, as measured by increases in real per capita income. That is certainly a relevant issue, but a more fundamental question is: “Growth for whom?” State-led development may achieve growth, but only by suppressing economic and personal freedom. In this article, I argue that such illiberal growth is inconsistent with sustainable development understood in the liberal sense as an expansion of choices open to individuals. The collapse of the Soviet system of comprehensive central planning is a stark reminder that institutions that protect property rights and increase opportunities for exchange are more likely to advance human development than those that deny fundamental rights to liberty and property."
Check it out. -MB
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