Isn’t it funny typical of the mainstream media that when voter fraud is discovered in North Carolina, they make a joke of it? The News and Observer’s article titled Zombie Voters in Washington County? included accounts of dead voters voting and mishandled absentee ballots.
The Fayetteville Observer carries the Zombie gag one step further in editorializing that a photo ID requirement would probably not stop Zombie’s from voting – since you can “Never underestimate the determination of a zombie.” Yes that’s right, the expectation of any semblance of election integrity in North Carolina has always been really funny.
The Fayetteville Observer did provide a hint of other types of fraud occurring in the Washington County Sherriff’s election that News and Observer left out of their account. The Fayetteville Observer reported that “possible improper assistance given to residents of a disability center.”
Here are a couple of questions that might be entertained by the legislators that are considering election reform in this session of the General Assembly.
Why did the State Board of Elections have a meeting scheduled in Martin County to discuss the Washington County’s sheriff’s race and then cancel it?
Why and when did the State Board of Elections “determined there were irregularities in the November vote?”
Will the State Board of Elections be required to continue their investigation in Washington County or by ordering a new election is the investigation effectively over and all the proof of voter fraud swept under the rug (again)?
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