Rob Schofield of the far-left NC Policy Watch posted an article this week further demonstrating his willingness to shill for crony capitalism, and his crude tyrannical impulses.
The inspiration for his latest screed was to respond to a recent Civitas blog post highlighting the “summer of hell” being experienced by subway users in New York in DC. Schofield was noticeably upset that anyone dares criticize such cherished “public” projects. In so doing, he confirms that “progressives” wholeheartedly support big business and big government in bed together, with the lowly serfs taxpayers picking up the tab. He fondly describes it as such:
For much of the 20th Century, large scale public works – like mass transit systems – were the kinds of public-private partnerships that won the support of many a billionaire business leader.
Of course, such projects won the support of billionaire business leaders! They received millions in taxpayer dollars via government subsidies and contracts, enriching themselves at taxpayer expense. So much for opposing the one percent.
Moreover, such projects commandeer more of the economy’s scarce resources for politically-directed uses leaving fewer to be directed by consumer preferences. More power is concentrated in the hands of the powerful political class.
He then proceeds to lament that opponents of such crony, corruption-inducing boondoggles “simply can’t grasp or even imagine that more and better public services and societal cooperation can lead to more freedom for more people.”
Most people outgrow this cartoonish caricature of government as a virtuous solver of problems presented to us in our 7th-grade civics textbooks. But not Schofield.
Government forcing taxpayers to fund government crony deals to enrich billionaire business owners is not any sane person’s definition of “societal cooperation.” It is indeed the opposite. It represents the political class exploiting voiceless taxpayers to enrich their wealthy cronies. This is what Schofield describes as the “common good.”
I am still not sure that Scowly and his ilk at the Whacko Watch are worth using up valuable web space. All who have read him know that he is a bitter man who just uses a random generator of hysteria words (in the linked article that would be the “destructive” and “delusional”) with a reference to the Koch-topus (there too…although ALEC sometimes appears) in most of his “journalism”. The best tack is to just ignore his paint by numbers rants, and go on with the writing that reasoned intelligent adults can get at Civitas.
Another ignorant rant by Brian Balfour. I bet Brian voted for Donald J. Trump. There is some extreme ‘cronyism.’ Placing his children and family in the White House and giving jobs to all his buddies.
You have really outdone yourself with this hypocrisy Brian. You are a meaningless idiot Partisan.
Thanks for reading, but that is not an argument.
Do you support cronyism or not?
To further make my stance clear, you can peruse some of my work on the issue:
I don’t recall you saying a word about Pat McCrory handing out Jobs to his cronies on his way out of office last December. That was shameful.
Maybe I was not making an argument on this article. Maybe I was just pointing out (making a comment) that you are an idiot Partisan, being paid to shill for your Party and their viewpoint regardless of fact or truth.
You see Brian, I understand that you and NC Civitas are simply a Marketing organization -yet- you profess and want to appear as an Academic think tank.
There is nothing Academic about what you do.
I posted a comment on another article above that you seem to have missed. Most likely because YOU have no argument for what you do…..other than to Market the viewpoint of those who pay you for Political purposes, the acquisition of power, and money.
What you do is prey on our community. You are no better than the idiot Partisan folks at 220 Hillsborough Street.
So you don’t read the archives much, huh, Scott?
The “you didn’t write about what I wanted you to write about” is still not an argument.
I gotcha Brian. Can’t wait for your next article that blows the dog whistles and attacks the ‘Radical Left’ N&O, WRAL,…..and turns a blind eye to the vast corruption that is entrenched inside your Party.
As I stated, you are a Marketer pretending to be a Thinker. It’s a huge con draped with the symbols of Democracy and Religion, and you prey upon us all for the benefit of your wealthy benefactors.
Very Sad!
In other words, you’ve still got nothing to say, eh, Scott?
Loaded language disqualifies this piece for consideration. NCCivitas needs to take a refresher course in Journalism 101.
George also has nothing to say.