Here we have a leftish type at NC Policy Watch demanding more aid so that low income can afford to pay for heating — what with energy being so costly.
Here we have a leftish type at NC Policy Watch writing in support of measures that will increase energy rates.
Just like with affordable housing and open space, it’s another example of how environmental silliness works at odds with concern for the poor. That’s the eat-cake/have-cake logic of the left. I guess we MFs just don’t understand all the nuances of the Rube Goldberg-style government they’re trying to build.
-Max Borders
Eric M. Weaver, Sr. says
In the end, as you know, the “progressive” can’t just leave everybody alone to figure out their own solutions to problems either alone or in voluntary groups. They just have some deep-seated need to take from one group of people and give to another. Of course, the groups on these sides are the “politically correct” groups that are chosen by them. (Such as the “evil rich” and the “deserving poor.”) And, of course, there needs to be some sort of administrator to make sure the money gets where it is supposed to go – with (of course) a cut going to the “progressive” administrators and their friends.
In the end, all of these “progressive” causes, such as the current incarnation of environmentalism, are excuses for socialism, just with a thin veneer of social acceptability. If the “progressives” just came out and admitted to their properly labeled socialist desires, they would instantly lose credibility everywhere outside of Chapel Hill and San Francisco.
These folks have been packaging their socialist ideas as concern for others. Nobody wants to argue against the underlying socialist “solutions” that are given to problems that are veneered as “the environment” or “the children” or “the poor” or some such. Any criticism of their solutions is painted as disregard and callousness towards the underlying problem, an the criticizer is painted by the “progressives” as an ogre.
(That is why they don’t like YOU, Max!)
The reality is that the differences between “progressives” and those they disagree with is mainly a different perception about exactly what the problems of the world are, and to what an appropriate solution ought to be. Speaking to this issue, I would say that an appropriate solution would be to lower utility bills by repealing SB3, and for those who do not have enough heat to work to pay their utility bills, to wear warm clothes, and to look to private sources of assistance if they just can’t take care of themselves.