With today's NC Supreme Court ruling clearing the way for capital punishment to resume, I thought I'd revisit the polling Civitas has done on the question of the death penalty in North Carolina.
We polled it three different ways last year and all received at least 60 percent support:
Most recently in August 2008:
Yes – 64%
No – 24%
Not Sure – 12%
April 2008:
Yes – 60%
No – 27%
Not Sure – 12%
The highest results for the death penalty came when we asked in July 2008 on something that isn't allowed:
Support – 65%
Oppose – 24%
Not Sure – 11%
When digging into the numbers, African-Americans are just about the only demographic who says they are opposed to the death penalty (34-52% Aug 08). It is favored by a plurality of Democrats (49-37%), and a majority of both Republicans (82-9%) and unaffiliateds (67-20%).
This issue is now back before the Governor and the General Assembly. Governor Perdue could instruct the Department of Corrections to resume executions or the General Assembly could attempt to pass a moratorium (our ban).
We'll poll it again next month, but I doubt we'll see much difference in the numbers.
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