“We look like Mississippi.” That was the tart response of Gov. Bev Perdue last week to a reporter’s question asking her thoughts about the outcome of the marriage amendment.
With no election looming I guess Governor Perdue feels comfortable disaparaging the 1.3 million voters in North Carolina who didn’t buy the scare tactics of Marriage Amendment critics and let their voices be heard where it mattered most: at the ballot box.
I take offense to Perdue’s unfiltered remark. Her disparaging comment about the state of Mississippi is inappropriate and embarrassing to the people she represents. Some say we should excuse as intemperate. People say things they don’t mean and I get that. But isn’t interesting, three days later and Perdue or her office hasn’t issued an apology to NC voters or the people of Mississippi.
Action -or inaction – speaks louder than words — even stupid words.
As a life long NC citizen I too share the Gov’s distress at the backward trend our state is taking…