..from a pundit who shall remain anonymous. A sliver:
1. She has been a mayor and is a governor, so she has executive experience Obama does not.
2. She ran against the corrupt Alaskan political machine of Ted
Stevens and Don Young, so she’s a different kind of Republican. She
disagrees with McCain on ANWR – she wants to drill.
3. She blunts the feistiness of Biden. If he attacks her, he just looks like an angry and mean old man.
4. She’s a mother of five children, one with Down’s syndrome,
5. She’s married to a professional fisherman. She can talk
directly about the value of preserving our natural resources and how
commercial interests have an incentive to do that
6. She’s very pro-life.
7. She’s … umm … hot (apparently women over 40 like her are “cougars”)
So it begins. Now we have Obama/Biden v. McCain/Palin.
-Max Borders
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