Hayes, I hope you’re sitting down for this one…
Commerce Clearing House, Inc. (CCH), a company that "provides leading tax and business law information and software solutions," has announced its new handy on-line navigator for businesses seeking state tax handouts.
"Users simply select an industry, an incentive category (such as investment, jobs creation, research and development) and geographic considerations (such as statewide or location-based incentives). Then they choose one or more jurisdictions. The results are instantly provided and include a description of the incentive, the application procedures and filing requirements plus contact information and links to more detailed information for deeper understanding."
A perfect example of how society responds to the rules our government puts in place. It seems the practice of politicians picking winners and losers has spawned its own cottage industry. This should come as no surprise to anyone reading this. When government announces loud and clear that their ATM is open and dishing out the cash, people will line up. Whether its business incentives, welfare, health care, day care, food stamps, affordable housing – it doesn’t matter. When people see they can get something for "free," the demand will be limitless.
It reminds me of all the times that I’ve read progressives screaming that we need to meet the "demand" for more government services. There will always be more demand. Let’s see if Fitzsimon insists we meet the business community’s "demand" for more corporate welfare by increasing the cash handouts. After all, it is he and his ilk that justify their calls for more government spending because people "demand" it.
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