In gearing up for the upcoming budget fight on how to close our state's potential $2 billion shortfall, the left has begun talking up tax increases as the only way to solve the problem.
Every conservative should be thrilled to hear this. This is EXACTLY the debate we want to be having.
Just check out this quote by resident lefty Rob Schofield in Under the Dome today:
Rob Schofield, policy director of the liberal N.C. Policy Watch
think tank, said that his group will push for comprehensive reforms,
such as broadening the sales tax to include services, rather than
simply across the board spending cuts.
"We'll be making the point that this is a revenue crisis and not a spending crisis," he said.
Get that? This is a REVENUE crisis which can only be solved with more taxes.
It's like Christmas has come early to the conservative movement. Apparently, liberals like Schofield didn't see the results of last November where 16 tax referendums were placed on the ballot in NC counties and all 16 were soundly defeated. And maybe liberals like Schofield don't read our polling that shows that 66% of North Carolinians think taxes here are higher than in other states (Oct 2008, Q19).
I hope and pray liberals like Schofield keep up this Mondale-esque track of advocating for higher taxes. It is nothing but good news for the conservative movement.
So please, let's have a long, drawn out public debate on whether NC should raise taxes or not. It's like Christmas coming 3 weeks early.
KansasGirl says
I realize now that the libs are intentionally bankrupting this country. They want chaos, then control.