Today’s N&O features this ridiculous editorial lambasting the NC General Assembly for being too financially responsible.
The focus of their criticism is a bill that would require future legislatures to set aside a minimum amount of any annual increase in revenue collections. The horrors!
This is ridiculous….What are they? Fifteen-year-old kids with summer jobs whose parents require them to put aside a set amount from their paychecks so they don’t spend it all? Good grief.
That comparison falls flat, because at least the fifteen-year-old is spending his own money. The current legislature has exercised fiscal restraint, but this bill is necessary as a check for times when less responsible legislators are in charge.
If the N&O finds the notion of state budget writers going on a reckless spending spree with taxpayer dollars impossible, perhaps this chart will help refresh their memory:
The News and Observer has never …. In my 62 years of life in Raleigh, ever provided journalism or honest reporting ! Their version of Webster’s is a radically deranged idea of Common Core English education ! They lie almost as much as Obama did … When he breathed IT WAS A LIE !!!